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PHAR 507: Professionalism, Ethics, and Pharmacy Practice: Writing & Citing

This guide supports students at the Universities at Shady Grove who are enrolled in PHAR 507, a course offered by the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

Formatting References for Your Presentation

For your assignments you will need to use the Citing Medicine Style for formatting your references. Check out the Citing Medicine style guide for detailed information. The following links are quick tools to help you with formatting your references.

Creating a RefWorks Account

This tutorial created by the HS/HSL will show you how to create a RefWorks account. You can other turtorials related to RefWorks and general information about RefWorks in this RefWorks subject guide.

Citation Managers

Citation managers are software applications that help you:

  • Gather and organize references directly from databases
  • Format references in your papers using a variety of styles
  • Generate bibliographies
  • Create your own personal database

Get organized today using one of the following citation managers: