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COMM 402 - Communication Theory and Process: Find Articles

Professor Soyoung Bae

Search Tips

Enter your search terms. When using more than one term:

Use "and" to return results that match both terms.

Use "or" to return results that match both and either term **be careful - you can match one and not the other**.

Use "not" to return results that match one term only and will exclude it by the second term.

To search for a specific phrase use quotation marks (") around it. This will return articles that have those words next to each other.


"cut cornerswill return articles that have those two words next to each other. If I just put in cut corners without the quotes, it will return any article that has cut or corners in it.

To expand your search results and accept other forms of a word use a wildcard, an asterisk (*). Use this at the cut off point in your search term.


communicat* → gets you communicate, communication, communicative, communicational, communicating, etc.

dis* → gets you disorder, discrimination, display, discourse, disability, disadvantages, disaster, etc.

Once you get the results start refining them by clicking on the left side of the results screen. Here are some ideas:

  1. Limit to :Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals

  2. Source types: Academic Journals

  3. Publication date

  4. Language

This will help you narrow down the results.