This guide is designed to support UMBC BTEC 655 students at the Universities at Shady Grove. What is included here:
Types of Scientific Sources: Overview of primary, secondary and tertiary sources.
Science & Technology Resources: Databases that contain peer-reviewed and scholarly articles. Links to current news in science & technology.
Business & Market Research Resources: Business news, company profiles, industry outlooks.
Search Strategies: Tips on searching library databases.
Presentations: Tips on creating and delivering presentatio
Zotero: Online software that can organize your sources and create in-text citations and bibliographies.
Academic Writer: Online software that has quick guides on APA style and allows you to organize your sources and write your paper, including citations, in APA style.
In order to link Google Scholar to the full text of articles available in your home university's library, navigate to (see below). Not all resources listed on google scholar are authoritative; verify the publication source of any article found here.
The Priddy Library and Macklin Center for Leadership and Communication are sponsoring a workshop series this spring. See the pdf below for the full schedule. Register today for a workshop.