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EDSP 888 Research Apprenticeship in Special Education: How to cite WEBSITES

Apprentice practice utilizing a variety of research methods and design in an area of competence compatible with the student's professional goals

How to cite WEBSITES

APA Web Site Citation
Web sites do not include subscription databases

  • Examples are not double-spaced, but your References list should be double-spaced
  • Examples do not show indented lines after the first line, but yours should be indented
  • Omit any information not found (author, organizational sponsor, date published or updated, etc.).

  • There are three elements absolutely necessary for an web site citation:
    • Name (or title) of site
    • Date of retrieval
    • Complete URL (Internet address)

Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date of Publication or Update). Title of work. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from  Complete URL


Basements and crawl spaces. (2002, June 23). Retrieved June 25, 2002, from offices/hsg/sfh/ref/sfhp1-25.cfm

Clemens, S. L. (n.d.). Roughing it. Retrieved April 26, 2001, from

E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. (2002). DuPont Tyvek®. Retrieved June 15, 2002, from

Hacken, R. (n.d.). Home page. Retrieved January 23, 2002, from

7-step home construction plan. (n.d.). Retrieved June 15, 2002, from http/

Seville, C. (2001, January 25). Finish materials in design/build. Retrieved August 24, 2002, from

Study skills self-help information. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2001, from

Willett, P., ed. (1997, April). Victorian women writers project. Retrieved March 26, 2001,
