The state of Maryland has recognized two tribes
Here are links to general information about Native American Tribes in Maryland.
There are four major nations, or large groups, of tribes in Maryland. They are the Algonquin, Iroquois, Sioux and Powhatan, which are made up of many other tribes.
Algonquin: Annemessex, Assateague, Chaptico, Choptank, Transquaking, Delaware, Doeg, Matapeake, Mattapanient, Mattawomen, Nacotchtank, Ozinie, Patuxent, Piscataway, Moyaone, Nanjemoy, Potapoco, Shawnee, Tockwogh, Yoacomaco
Powhatan Confederacy: Accohannock, Nanticoke, Manokin, Wicomico, Pamunkey, Pocomoke
Iroqouis: Massawomeck, Susquehannock, Tuscarora
Sioux: Tupelo, Saponi