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PHSC 300: Foundations of Public Health: Academic Writer

Accessing Academic Writer

Use Academic Writer  for your research and writing needs.

Academic Writer Tagline

Benefits of Academic Writer

Academic Writer (formerly APA Style CENTRAL) offers three key features:

  • Learning Center - Access a digital media library that includes quick guides, tutorials, instructional videos, sample papers, and other resources on APA style. These resources can be linked or embedded within your Learning Management System.
  • Reference Center - Offers tools to help with creating citations and managing your own personal database of sources.  
  • Writing Center - Write essays in the cloud (like Google Docs or Microsoft 365) using various templates that pre-format the APA style (including the title page, sub-headings, and references). Also allows for collaboration features with other users.

Need help?

Contact Eileen Harrington at the Priddy Library (