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UMES Construction Management: Search Strategies

This guide contains information that will help you start searching for information in the field of construction management. You will find links to relevant databases, journals and other resources.

Searching Tips

Boolean OperatorsANDOR, and NOT 

Truncation: cut off the end of a word and use an asterisk “*”
 to get more results:

Ex: educat*= educate, education, educator, educating, etc...

Use Synonyms and related words to search

Keyword Searching Tips

  1. Search by words and phrases instead of sentences
  2. Breakdown by concepts
  3. Look at the subject headings/index terms for synonyms and alternate terms

UMBC - Searching Tutorials

Search Strategies

Selecting Keywords

Boolean Operators

How to do Research

Phrase Searching & Nesting


Assessing Internet Research