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SOWK 260/360: Social Welfare, Social Policy & Social Work: Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Google Scholar

Library Links in Google Scholar

Before starting a search in Google Scholar, you can change the settings so that you will access articles to which your institution subscribes.

1. Once in Google Scholar, click on the menu icon in the top left-hand side of the screen. From the menu that appears, choose Settings.

2. On this page, click on Library Links in the menu on the left-hand side of the page.

3. Enter your university (University of Maryland, Baltimore County) in the search box and do the search. Check that box and click save. 

4. This will then take you back to the search page on Google Scholar. When you do a search, the FindIT button should appear next to articles to which you have access. You only need to set this up once, not every time you go int to Google Scholar.


Cited Reference Searching 

You can find related and more recent articles and resources in Google Scholar by clicking on "Cited by," located below an article or e-book of interest.

Cited by link in Google Scholar


Goolgle Scholar: Advanced Searching