MLA Newspaper Article Citation
Author's Last Name, First Name Middle Initial. "Article Title." Newspaper Title Date of Publication, ed., sec.: pages. Print.
Newspaper article with no edition or section:
Author's Last Name, First Name Middle Initial. "Article Title." Newspaper Title Date of Publication: Pages. Print.
Newspaper article with an edition:
Author's Last Name, First Name Middle Initial. "Article Title." Newspaper Title Date of Publication, ed.: Pages. Print.
Newspaper article with a section:
Author's Last Name, First Name Middle Initial. "Article Title." Newspaper Title Date of Publication, sec.: Pages. Print.
Newspaper article with an edition and section:
Author's Last Name, First Name Middle Initial. "Article Title." Newspaper Title Date of Publication, ed., sec.: Pages. Print.
Brozan, Nadine. "Where Home is a Real Sanctuary." New York Times 16 June 2002, sec. 11:1+. Print.
"Cold Weather Chills Home Building in Many States." Wall Street Journal 14 Feb. 2002, Eastern ed.: B17. Print.
"Home Building Was Off in April." New York Times 17 May 2002: C14. Print.
Rosenberg, Geanne. "Electronic Discovery Proves an Effective Legal Weapon." New York Times 31 Mar. 1997, late ed.: D5. Print.
Salij, Marta. "These Books Can Help You Survive Homebuilding." Detroit Free Press 27 Sep. 2001, final ed., sec. C:8. Print.
MLA Newspaper Article Citation
Author's Last Name, First Name Middle name or initial. "Article Title." Newspaper title Date of publication: pages. Name of Database. Web. Date of access.
Keen, Russ. "Farm Income Expected to Drop." McClatchy-Tribune Business News 3 May 2009: n. pag. Proquest Newspapers. Web. 7 May 2009.
Geracimos, Ann. "Inspiring Students to Learn; Center Prepares Teachers to Take a 'Hands-on' Approach in Classroom." The Washington Times 3 Mar. 2008: n. pag. LexisNexis Academic. Web. 5 May 2009.
Montgomery, Lori, Amy Goldstein, and William Branigin. "Obama Releases $3.4 Trillion Budget Plan." The Washington Post 7 May 2009: n. pag. Web. 9 May 2009.