Faculty and staff members can request books from any of the USMAI libraries.
You can pick up and/or return materials at any of the USMAI libraries. Due dates, renewal and fine policies vary among institutions and depend upon which library owns the material.
The Priddy Library follows borrowing policies set by the
UMD faculty and staff have additional privileges.
Use My Account to
Questions? Call the circulation desk at 301-738-6020 or e-mail the circulation staff at sglibcirc@umd.edu.
Andrew Yager, 301-738-6223
Emily Spangler, 301-738-6226
In order to borrow or request materials from the Priddy Library, you will need a current USM ID card.
Juvenile Collection
Faculty, students and staff can borrow materials from the juvenile collection for 14 days.
All patrons may request items from the UMD non-print collection, including films and audio recordings, to be delivered to the Priddy Library and placed on hold for a requestor. Simply follow the same steps as requesting books!
Faculty and staff can borrow Priddy Library material for 180 days. The loan period for other patron types (students, special borrowers, and alumni) is 12 weeks.
Patrons are responsible for the materials they borrow, and keeping the track of the due dates by checking My Account and reading e-mail messages regularly. Library notices are automatically sent via email, but this practice is a courtesy; the Library is not responsible for notifying patrons that their items are overdue.