This guide is designed to support BTEC 675 students at the Universities at Shady Grove for their Fall 2019 research project. What is included here:
Science & Technology Resources: Databases that contain peer-reviewed and scholarly articles. Links to current news in science & technology.
Business & Market Research Resources: Business news, company profiles, market research resources.
Citations & Writing: Resources to help with the final steps of writing and organizing papers & presentations, a guide to using Zotero for managing citations, and information about APA citation formatting.
In order to link Google Scholar to the full text of articles available in your home university's library, navigate to (see below). Not all resources listed on google scholar are authoritative; verify the publication source of any article found here.
Search for print and electronic books using the UMBC catalog. (Use the Priddy Library Catalog to search for physical books that can be sent here from throughout the UMD system.) If you would like to request a print item from the USMAI consortium, click on the "request" button next to an item and select delivery to the Shady Grove Library.
Click on the Science & Technology Resources tab at the top of this guide for help finding peer-reviewed journal articles, white papers, and articles related to science & technology. The Business & Marketing Resources tab provides links to business databases.
If a resource is not available at the library, you can submit a request through Interlibrary Loan.